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Thailand’s Tham Luang Cave Set to Reopen this July

Published: Май 23, 2023 at 6:57 пп

Tham Luang Cave

The Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand, renowned worldwide for its role in the successful 2018 rescue of 12 young footballers and their coach, is prepared to welcome visitors once again. With comprehensive safety measures in place, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation is gearing up for the cave’s reopening this July.

You might recall the international flurry around Tham Luang Cave in 2018. The plight of the Wild Boars football team captivated audiences worldwide, the cave’s name now synonymous with resilience and triumph. As visitors anticipate entering this place of recent history, safety is the utmost priority.

To verify the readiness of the site, key authorities, including Atthaphon Charoenchansa, Director-General of the Marine and Coastal Resources Department; Chaiwat Limlikhit-aksorn, Director of the National Park Office; Chutidech Kamonnachanut, Director of the Conservation Area Administration Office 15 Chiang Rai, and the famed British cave diver, Vernon Unsworth, will inspect the Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non-National Park.

Right now, visitors can check out the display area and the surroundings near the cave. But in July, you’ll get the chance to go inside the first chamber of the cave, which is about 150 meters long. There will be guides leading the tours. Each group can only have 25 people, and each tour will last for an exciting 30 minutes.

To manage the influx of visitors, the cave’s custodians have set a daily limit of 16 exploration rounds. This allows for up to 400 tourists per day to step inside and marvel at the first chamber’s grandeur. Furthermore, only four groups of fifteen people will be granted the privilege of exploring the second chamber each day.

These measures, while ensuring public safety, also contribute to the cave’s preservation. To keep the balance between safe exploration and the opportunity for tourists to appreciate the cave’s natural beauty, careful monitoring and regulating of visitors is necessary.

If you’re a scientist or a specialist and you want to look at the third chamber, you need to plan it 30 days ahead. Only people doing scientific studies can go into this chamber.

Are you prepared for an unforgettable journey? With the necessary precautions in place, you can expect an amazing time at Tham Luang Cave.

SOURCE: NNT Thailand

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