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Ao Phang Nga National Park,

Thailand’s Protected Eco Sanctuaries

The beauty of Thailand is not just found in its white sand beaches. Further inland, you can find an impressive number of protected national parks. At sea as well you can find some marine sanctuaries where underwater wildlife thrive, free from interference and danger from land-dwelling humans.

There are over a hundred national parks that are considered as sanctuaries under Thai law. Just like Thai temples scattered throughout the country, you’ll find no shortage of parks and marine sanctuaries to visit wherever you may be heading to in Thailand for your next holiday.

Ao Phang Nga Marine Park

This marine park was created by Royal Decree in April 1981, and now protects an immense area of both coastal and terrestrial sections. For one, it protects Thailand’s largest remaining mangrove forest from over-harvesting. The park also encompasses the “James Bond” island, which shot to fame because of the film Man with the Golden Gun.

The islands in Ao Phang Nga are a visual treat – they stand straight and tall off their underwater foundations, sheer sides inspiring awe from all and any who pass them by on boats.

Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Preserve Area

The Khao Ang Rue Nai wildlife preserve area encompasses an immense area that cuts across five provinces in Thailand. Covering 643,750 square meters, tourists can treat themselves to a variety of activities while inside the park. Guided tours can bring you into the butterfly sanctuary, where you can find these insects in various brilliant colorations.

It is also notable for its increasing elephant population. As the numbers of the animals grow, they also get into conflict with villages and farmlands bordering the edges of the national park.

Chae Son National Park

Chae Son National Park is smaller than the first two sanctuaries mentioned herein, but definitely not less in features.

Chae Son is home to the Chae Son Waterfall, a complex that rises 150 meters in height, and divided into three tiers. Two other falls are inside the park as well, including Mae Koon and Mae Peak, both of which are 100 meters in height.

Other activities in the park include guided spelunking. For the less adventurous, they can take tours that put them into contact with fauna like the Indian Muntjac, white-rumped shama, serow, barking deer, Malaysian flying lemur and many others.

Khao Kradong National Park

Khao Kradong National Park has been developed around the remains of an extinct volcano, the crater of which is the main attraction. People come to Khao Kradong – which means turtle shell in Khmer – in order to relax amidst the fresh air and ambiance of the park.

If you’re up for some trekking, you can go up to the peak of the mountain not just to see the crater but also the Phra Suphattharabophit Golden Buddha statue. The huge statue overlooks the area below the Forest Park, and treats visitors to a panoramic view that’s best experienced in the hours near sunset.

You can also face your fear of heights and cross the suspension bridge built over the huge crater of the extinct volcano.

Of course, four parks do not describe the immense beauty of Thailand’s natural attractions. There are hundreds of other parks and sanctuaries you can explore on your next holiday to the Kingdom.



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